Tag Archive for: Email Marketing

Customer retention is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a critical aspect of sustainable success. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, where acquiring new customers can be costly and challenging, retaining your existing customers is a game-changer. So, let’s delve into the secrets of customer retention and discover practical strategies that will make your customers stick around for the long haul.

Understanding the Value of Customer Retention

Having worked with dozens of business owners across various industries, I understand the importance of customer loyalty and how it can transform your business. So, let’s embark on this journey of customer retention and discover strategies that are simple yet effective.

Nurturing Existing Customers: Your Business’s Hidden Goldmine

When it comes to growing your business, don’t overlook the goldmine that lies within your existing customer base. These loyal customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, refer others to your business, and become your brand advocates. By focusing on customer retention, you can tap into their immense value and boost your bottom line.

Measuring Success: Key Metrics for Customer Retention

To gauge the effectiveness of your customer retention efforts, it’s essential to track the right metrics. Keep an eye on customer churn rate, repeat purchase rate, and customer lifetime value. These metrics will provide valuable insights into the success of your strategies and guide your decision-making process.

Let’s use an example of a dance studio called “Twinkle Toes Dance Academy to explain each of these three metrics.”

Customer churn rate: Customer churn rate is the percentage of dance students who stop attending classes at your studio over a specific period of time. For example, if Twinkle Toes Dance Academy had 50 students at the beginning of the month, but by the end of the month, 10 of them did not continue their enrollment, the customer churn rate for that month would be 20%.

Repeat purchase rate: Repeat purchase rate is the percentage of students who continue taking dance classes at your studio for multiple sessions or terms. If Twinkle Toes Dance Academy had 100 students in a term, and 70 of them enrolled for the next term, the repeat purchase rate would be 70%.

Customer lifetime value: Customer lifetime value is the total value a dance student brings to your studio over the entire duration of their enrollment. Let’s say the average student at Twinkle Toes Dance Academy pays $100 per month and stays with the studio for 2 years. The customer lifetime value would be $100 x 12 months x 2 years = $2,400.

The goal is to increase our repeat purchase rate and customer lifetime value, while keeping the customer churn rate at a minimum.

Building Strong Relationships with Your Customers

The long-term success of a business is a reflection of the relationships it has with its customers.

Personalisation: Creating Memorable Experiences

Customers appreciate a personal touch. Take the time to understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. By segmenting your audience and tailoring your communication and offerings accordingly, you can create experiences that resonate with each customer on a personal level.

Going Above and Beyond: The Power of Exceptional Customer Service

Delivering exceptional customer service is a game-changer in customer retention. Train your team to provide prompt, empathetic, and proactive support. By exceeding expectations, you create a positive impression that lingers in the minds of your customers, fostering loyalty and trust.

Rewarding Loyalty and Encouraging Repeat Business

Loyalty Programs: Incentives that Delight

Implementing a well-designed loyalty program can keep your customers coming back for more. Offer rewards, exclusive discounts, and special perks to thank them for their loyalty. These incentives show appreciation and make customers feel valued, strengthening their connection with your brand.

Exclusive Treats: Making Customers Feel Like VIPs

Go the extra mile to make your loyal customers feel special. Offer exclusive offers, early access to new products, or personalised recommendations. By making them feel like VIPs, you create a sense of exclusivity and deepen their emotional connection to your brand.

Engaging Your Customers for Long-Term Success

Crafting Compelling Email Campaigns

Email marketing remains a powerful tool for customer engagement. Create engaging campaigns that provide value, such as personalised content, exclusive promotions, and helpful tips. Through regular communication, you’ll stay top of mind and foster ongoing relationships with your customers.

Building a Vibrant Social Media Presence

Social media offers endless opportunities for customer engagement. Cultivate a strong presence on platforms relevant to your audience and actively interact with them. Respond to comments, address concerns, and share valuable content. By building an online community, you foster authentic connections and strengthen customer relationships.

Listening and Adapting to Customer Feedback

Gathering Insights: The Power of Customer Feedback

Your customers hold valuable insights that can shape the future of your business. Encourage them to share feedback through surveys, reviews, and direct communication. These insights will provide guidance for improving your products, services, and customer experience.

Taking Action: Implementing Customer Feedback

Collecting feedback is only valuable if you take action based on the insights gained. Actively address concerns, make necessary improvements, and communicate these changes to your customers. By showing that you value their feedback and act upon it, you build trust and loyalty.

By implementing these strategies and nurturing strong relationships with your customers, you’ll unlock the true potential of your business. Remember, customer retention is not just about transactions; it’s about building lasting connections and creating loyal brand advocates. Embrace the power of customer retention, and watch your business thrive in the hands of satisfied and devoted customers.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Schedule a free growth strategy session with me today! Together, we’ll develop a tailored marketing strategy that suits your unique business needs and helps you achieve sustainable growth. Let’s embark on this journey of customer loyalty and unleash the full potential of your business.

Creating an effective marketing strategy for your dance studio can be challenging, and let’s be honest, you probably didn’t start your business to go into marketing. The reality is, however, that marketing is a vital part of creating a profitable business.

Today, I want to show you the exact steps we used to design and implement a fully automated marketing strategy for V-Hub Dance, a Brisbane Dance Studio located in the heart of Fortitude Valley.

Before The Marketing Transformation

Vanessa Friscia, the founder of V-Hub, has been involved in the Brisbane dance scene for almost two decades and her passion for all things dance really shines through. Before V-Hub’s 90-Day Marketing Transformation, Vanessa’s main way of attracting new members was using social media. But it was incredibly time-consuming and not always a strategy you can rely on for consistent business growth. So, what does a good dance studio marketing strategy actually look like and what should it entail?

Here are the 3 core functions of a good dance studio marketing strategy:

  1. Attract new visitors
  2. Convert more visitors into members
  3. Increase member retention

Let’s have a look at what this might look like in practice.

How To Promote Your Dance Studio in 2025

Apart from running ads, social media can be an incredibly powerful tool to promote your dance studio in the local community. But how do you consistently stay active across multiple social media channels without spending hours of your time every week and actually seeing tangible results? The answer can be found in marketing automation.

When working with V-Hub, we designed an entire library of engaging social media posts and completely automated the posting schedule. What’s more, every post is specifically designed to encourage viewers to take some kind of action. Providing a clear next step is the key to social media success. In most cases, we ask people to click on a link that takes them to various pages on the V-Hub website, where they can learn valuable tips, have all their questions answered or watch engaging dance tutorials.

Free Download: How To Completely Automate Your Social Media Content

But simply sending people to your website isn’t enough to grow your dance studio. You also need to have a clear next step to turn traffic into leads and get people through the door.

Dance Studio Social Media Marketing for V-Hub Dance Brisbane

Social Media Marketing for V-Hub Dance Brisbane

Dance Studio Lead Generation

The biggest mistake I see business owners make in their marketing is not providing their customers with a clear path – or what we call “The Customer Journey” in the marketing world. No matter what stage of the marketing journey your customers are at, we need to let them know what specific action we want them to take next.

Many of your customers will have questions before they are ready to attend a new dance class. Some of these questions will be conscious, while others will be on a subconscious level. Our job as business owners is to help them find answers and make it as easy as possible for them to take the next step when they are ready.

Don’t assume that just because someone has shown an interest in dance classes, that they are ready to sign up. There are many factors at play, such as timing, finances, level of skill and confidence, and their willingness to step outside their comfort zone.

That’s why the first goal of your marketing strategy should not be to make a sale but to get a micro-commitment from your visitors. Asking someone to join a membership will be too much of a stretch for many people and will result in low conversion rates.

“Good marketing helps to make the purchase easy. Great marketing provides value even before people know that they need what you sell.” ~ David Lee-Schneider

The fastest way to attract a new audience is to give them something for free. Something they actually want.

In the case of V-Hub, we decided to offer something with no obligation and no strings attached: A complimentary trial pass for any of V-Hub’s dance classes.

Innovative? Maybe not. But very effective. Remember, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel do do great marketing.

In return for the free dance pass, website visitors simply have to enter their name and email address. No other decision needs to be made at this point, like whether they are actually going to use it, when they’ll redeem it – or if they are going to sign up for dance classes afterwards.

The only decision they need to make is whether or not they want the free trial class.

By eliminating the number of decisions visitors need to make when taking the next step, we increase the number of leads we generate. But the true value in collecting people’s names and emails is the ability to follow up and start a two-way conversation.

Dance Studio Marketing Brisbane for V-Hub Dance - FlySocial Digital

Email Marketing Campaign for V-Hub Dance Brisbane

The Importance of Follow-Up and How To Use it To Increase Your Conversion Rates

Simply put, conversion optimisation is about decreasing our customers’ objections and reducing friction on their path to becoming our customers.

To truly understand what these objections are, we need to put ourselves in our customers’ shoes. Here are some questions people might have before they are ready to join your dance classes:

  • What if I don’t like the class?
  • What if I don’t jive with the teachers?
  • What if I don’t connect with other members?
  • What if people judge me?
  • What if I’m not good enough?
  • Do I need to commit to an entire month or can I just attend casually?
  • I don’t know what to expect, it’s all too scary

If we can answer these questions in our marketing even before people attend a class for the first time, we drastically increase the chances of them actually attending.

In Vanessa’s case, people who had attended a couple of classes usually came back because they loved it so much. The challenge was to get people through the door for the very first time.

By offering a free class pass and collecting people’s email addresses online, we are now able to send them relevant emails that answer all their questions and connect with them on a more personal level.

Did you know that most purchases happen after 5-12 touch points? How many opportunities are you currently missing out on because of a lack of follow-up?

Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs

The first thing many dance studio owners look to when trying to grow their dance studio is attracting new customers through advertising. But what’s an influx of leads worth if we can’t convert them?

You can waste a lot of money on Facebook ads, Google ads, print ads, flyers and more if your conversion strategy isn’t working.

Read Next: 3 Things You Need Before Spending Money on Ads

That’s why you should always begin by optimising conversions. Then, once your organic marketing strategies are starting to gain traction, you can use ads to further scale your business.

After joining the 90-Day Marketing Transformation, Vanessa now has a fully automated marketing strategy in place that helps her dance studio get found online, convert more members and increase retention rates through targeted follow-up campaigns.

Here’s what Vanessa had to say after our work together

“Before working with David, quite simply, there weren’t enough people attending our dance classes. Every day I would pray that people would turn up. I wasn’t making any profit in my business, so I always had a full-time job to support it. I never knew how to market to new people and would rely on word of mouth. The studio was suffering, and so was I.

When I met David, I could tell straight away that he was passionate about helping small businesses. He knew the journey of transitioning from working for a company to working for himself, so I felt understood and comfortable straight away. He had the biggest smile on his face when he spoke about marketing, and the strategies he designed to help businesses succeed. What’s more, he made it seem EASY – and it was!

David’s automation processes are a game-changer. I never have to worry about my client’s journey, knowing they are safe in the hands of David’s Wizardry! He has made our website so user friendly and very easy to navigate. It’s so in depth and well thought out. He has literally thought of everything. Again, a complete game-changer. With our marketing automation in place, we now have Google reviews coming through, higher instagram traction and a minimum of 20 new people every week coming through our doors.

I would absolutely recommend David to ANYONE who runs their own business, regardless of the size of the business. Sole traders through to big companies, David is for you. His face lights up when he talks about your business. It’s truly humbling to witness.

For the first time in 10 years, I can say I run a successful business that I am proud of.”

Recently, I had a conversation with the owner of a beauty salon in Sydney who asked me for the best ways to market her business. But when I mentioned email marketing as a strategy, she looked at me stunned. “Aren’t emails dead?”, she asked.

The answer is, far from it! To this day, email marketing remains one of the most effective (and profitable) ways to reach your target audience. In fact, it’s never been more important for small business owners to focus on building their email marketing list than in 2025. Here are 5 reasons why.

1. You Own The Data And Stay in Control

Many business owners are under the impression that a Facebook or Instagram page is enough nowadays as a marketing strategy. And while I agree that they provide a fantastic opportunity to grow your audience, no business should solely rely on social media.

Facebook has already made drastic changes to the way your content is distributed. Have you noticed that your reach has decreased significantly over the last few years? Even if your page has thousands of followers, that doesn’t mean you can reach them. Only about 5-10% will actually see your posts.

The reason is that Facebook and Instagram are in the business of advertising. So, if you operate a business page, of course they want you to pay for your content to reach more people. That means it’s really out of your control.

As a business owner, you always want to minimise risks and putting too much power in the hand of social media companies is a risky move. Your email list, however, is completely owned by you, not Meta.

2. Email Marketing Delivers Personalised Experiences

One of the biggest benefits of email marketing is that it allows you to create personalised customer journeys. When you send an email to your list, you’re not just reaching out to everyone on that list – you’re targeting each contact personally. This means that you can connect with your customers on a more personal level, creating a stronger connection and building trust.

Think about it this way: If a business sends you an email and all they say is, “Hey, thanks for subscribing!” – chances are that you find it rather impersonal. But if they send you an email that’s personalised and tailored specifically to your interests, then you’re much more likely to read and respond.

Especially in small businesses, this can have a huge effect on how their business is perceived. Making use of email automation is very much like cloning yourself multiple times. You can send all your leads and customers the right message at the right time. And in marketing, timing is everything.

3. Email Marketing Allows You to Build Long-Term Relationships with Customers

Another great benefit of email marketing is that it can be used to establish long-term relationships with your customers. This builds trust and keeps your customers coming back – which is essential for small businesses on a budget.

Email is the ideal medium to onboard new customers using a series of short messages to introduce them to your services, your team and all the other benefits your business provides. It’s also a great way to introduce existing customers to products and services they haven’t tried before. This will also increase your chances of building repeat business and increasing your overall sales.

Do you know your Digital Marketing Score? Take this short quiz to find out and receive practical, actionable tips to increase leads, sales and profitability. It’s absolutely free!

4. Email Marketing Can Be Used To Drive Traffic To Your Website (Or Wherever You Want It)

One of the best ways to drive traffic to your website is through email marketing. Having people join your mailing list, means you can reach out to them again and again at virtually no cost. This means that you can send them new content and updates regularly, driving traffic back to your website, to specific offers, to your other social media channels and more.

Moreover, it allows you to invite customers to leave a review for your business on Google and Facebook, which is a fantastic way to enhance your reputation online and improve your Google rankings.

With all these benefits, email marketing should no longer be an option, but an absolute must-have for any small business owner who is serious about growing their business.

5. Your Email Marketing Strategy Can Be Fully Automated

To me, the real benefit of implementing an email marketing strategy is that it can be completely automated. That means it’s not another thing you, as the business owner, have to manage or worry about. It’s something you can set and forget, like we did for V-Hub Dance, a dance studio based in Brisbane, Australia.

Marketing automation is often overlooked and undervalued.

As a marketing consultant, I help business owners all over Australia implement effective, fully automated marketing strategies that free up their time, budget and headspace.

If you would like to have a chat about your business and how we can use email marketing and other automation tools to help you scale, click here to book a free strategy call with me today.

The words ‘personal’ and ‘automation’, like day and night, couldn’t be any more contrary. So, when suggesting to clients that we should use email automation to communicate with their customers, they often get a little confused. Every day our inboxes are flooded with promotional offers and impersonal emails from big corporations. Part of my job is to make customer experiences more personal and human, and email automation software, like Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign and Ontraport are the perfect tools to do just that.

Here are 3 things you can do today to make emailing your customers more personal and gain valuable insights, all while freeing up more of your busy time.

1. Send a ‘personal’ follow-up email

Your customers might opt-in for your newsletter, download a lead magnet, or purchase a product or service. They then usually receive an automated confirmation e-mail to thank them for taking action. One powerful way to make email automation more personal and human is to send them a ‘personal’ follow-up email shortly after the initial confirmation email. The amount of people who reply to this email is phenomenal and many will even thank you for the warm and personal welcome. I usually send this about an hour after the confirmation email.

Real World Example:

“Hi, [Customer First Name],

 my name is David, digital marketing consultant here at FlySocial. 

I noticed that you just downloaded our free e-book and thought I quickly reach out to say hi and introduce myself. If you have any questions regarding the ebook, or in general, I’m always just an email away. :)

Would you be open to sharing some of the challenges you currently face in your business when it comes to marketing, [Customer First Name]? Have you got any specific goals that you looking to achieve in the coming months?

I look forward to hearing from you,

Kind regards,


Tip: Keep the email in plain text (no branding or template) so it actually looks like you just sent it. Insert your email signature at the bottom of the email, just the way you normally would. You might want to restrict send times for this email to business hours, so customers don’t receive a personal email from you at 3am – unless that’s part of the image that you are trying to convey.


2. Collect customer data & actually use it

Many businesses collect customer data but never actually make good use of it. Over time, you might collect a number of details about your leads or customers, such as their name, gender, location, birthday, interests, and what products they purchased. This is all data you can use to make your customer experience more personal.

As a service-based business, you might have a range of services that you offer. Send customers a different series of emails, depending on the service they signed up for. As a gym or yoga studio, you might have a 30-day introductory offer. Design an email sequence that helps people get the most out of their first month with you. Make them feel welcome, educate and inspire them. They are much more likely to stay if you nurture them and deliver a personal experience. Make sure to ask questions to find out where your customers might need some help or what they particularly like about your service. Asking for feedback will not only create rapport with your customers but help you improve your business significantly along the way.

Real World Example:

“Hi [Customer First Name],

it’s already been a week since you signed up for our 30-day intro offer. How are you going so far?

 Have you already had some minor (or major) successes that you are happy to share with me? Or is there anything that you might need help with? Maybe motivation, a nutrition plan, or advice with certain exercises? 

You can always contact me or have a chat with one of our personal trainers. We want to make sure  you get the most out of your 30 days.

Also, how is the time table working out for you? We are always trying to improve and increase the number of classes we offer. Are there certain times during the week that would suit you better?

Look forward to hearing from you, [Customer First Name].

Warm Regards,

[Gym Owner Name]”


3. Ask good questions in your email automation sequences

Asking good questions in your emails will give customers the opportunity to respond, thus deepening relationships and building rapport. Most businesses make the mistake to only talk about themselves and their product features. Asking good questions shows that you care about your customers and puts the focus on them. It’s only when we ask questions that we can learn about our customers and use this information to develop better products and services.

Here are some questions that you might want to start asking in your email automation sequences:

•    “What are some of the challenges you are currently facing and how could we be of help?”
    •    “Is there anything about our product/service you think we can improve?”
    •    “What do you like the most about our product/service?”
    •    “Who would you recommend our product/service to?”

Tip: Restrict each email to a maximum of one or two questions. Asking too many questions at once will put off customers, rather than encourage them to reply to your message.

After all, knowing what truly matters to our customers helps us to contribute in more meaningful ways and make the world a little better. One email at a time.

What’s your experience with email automation (good or bad)? Have you sent emails to your customers that performed really well? What are your thoughts about email automation? Let me know in the comments below. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.

If you are ready to transform your marketing and take your business to the next level, check out my 90-Day Marketing Transformation. I might be the guy who can help you.

To your success,