Tag Archive for: Web Forms

Are you struggling to increase your website’s conversion rates? Have you ever considered using conditional logic to simplify your forms and keep your visitors engaged? If not, then buckle up! In this blog post, we’ll show you an effective technique to enhance your online forms and improve your conversion rates.

The Problem with Long Forms

We all know that having a form on your website is crucial. It could be for a free download, strategy session, or webinar registration. But sometimes, you may want to capture more information than just a first name and an email address.

However, the longer your form gets, the more likely people are to abandon it, causing you to lose potential leads. This is where conditional logic comes into play.

What is Conditional Logic?

Conditional logic is a technique that changes the form’s process based on user input. It presents different fields to the user depending on their previous answers. This way, you can gather all the necessary information without overwhelming your visitors.

A Real-Life Example

Let’s take a look at a real-life example to see conditional logic in action. Redland Dance, a client from Queensland, Australia was offering free trial classes on their website. Since they cater to both children and adults, they needed a form that could differentiate between inquiries for kids and adult classes.

To address this issue, we created a drop-down menu that allowed users to specify who they were inquiring for. If a user selects “adult,” they only see two fields to fill out, keeping the form simple and easy. However, if they select “child,” additional fields appear to capture the child’s name, age group and parent’s information.

This way, the form slowly unfolds as users progress, and the business collects all the information needed to deliver a great customer experience.

Conditional logic is a powerful tool to improve your website’s form conversion rates. By personalising the form-filling process, you can keep your visitors engaged and collect the essential information you need to grow your business and deliver a great customer experience.

Have you used conditional logic in your business to simplify a form or process? Let me know in the comments below!